For nearly five years in my educational consulting practice, I have worked with the most amazing parents! I am continually in awe of the dedication of these moms and dads who dedicate themselves fully to the pursuit of their children and teens living happy and healthy lives.
On a personal level, I am no stranger to the difficult parental demands of raising a twice-exceptional child. Every day is an adventure! The astounding brilliance as well as the intense challenges these exceptional children bring to our lives is humbling.
I just want to express my gratitude for these incredible families who teach me so much every single day. It is my honor to help parents with their children's education. Thank you for entrusting me and making me a partner to help your child shine.
The best gift to me is the result of our work together: seeing children succeed in school after having had a difficult educational journey and hearing parents' giant sigh of relief that their child is finally happy (and the exasperated calls and emails from school have ceased).
Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday!
With gratitude,